
Cameron* knows she “should”…

… get out of bed, but she just can’t find the energy.

… call somebody, but she doesn’t really want to.

… eat something, but there is nothing she craves.

What’s the point of any of it?

Amber* wonders to herself for the tenth time today…

“Why am I so sad?”

There is no significant reason she can find. She just knows she has no energy.

And she’s all talked out. She’s confided in her best friend, her other friends… but no one can fix it.

No one can tell her why… so why bother?

Once upon a time, Shelly* had a vision for her future…

… but things aren’t working out the way she thought they would. It doesn’t seem to matter how hard she tries.

She can only complain to her family so many times without feeling like a burden.

What choice does she have? She works hard at keeping it buried. Sometimes it actually works.

But sometimes… she just wants it all to end.

David* is so exhausted by worrying all the time…

He finds he no longer feels anything. Numb.

He’s pretty sure he forgot what it feels like to FEEL.

Cutting helps him feel something. Feeling something is better than nothing, right?

What if there were a different way?

For Cameron, we discovered in the very first session that her self-esteem had been beaten down in her middle school years from experiences at home and school – making her think herself unworthy and undesirable.

We used time-tested techniques to identify the connection between these thoughts (I’m not worthy), how she felt (hopeless), and her behavior (shut down). She learned how to challenge these thoughts, identify more reasonable and balanced perspectives, and had a chance to try them out with my support. She learned coping skills in session for handling stressful situations, practiced them in session, and tried them on her own. In time, she found new confidence in her ability to handle life as it came.

Yes, that means there will be homework!

Homework allows you to increase your awareness in the day-to-day and try on these new skills in the real world – where you live your life and experience the pain.

Homework allows you to maximize your therapy experience – allowing you to get back to a healthy place as quickly as possible!

Hold on a little bit longer.

Let me help you carry your burdens.

Let me walk beside you and show you how to overcome the obstacles and feel again.

Let us journey together to find your way back to JOY.

Please… give me a call today: (904) 469-0060

*Names changed to preserve client confidentiality.