READY? Not Sure yet?
Asking for help is never “easy.” I have been there, too.
The most important thing to know is that when you sit with me, I can promise you there is NO JUDGMENT – I have no expectations.
Wherever you are, that’s where I meet you. This is a place to be your true self. You can curse, cry, yell, be uncertain, or be afraid. I’m here to care about your struggle, to validate your fears, to believe you, and believe in you.
It may not be easy, but it is so worth it. YOU are worth it.
One step at a time. You decide.
If you need to talk before you take the next step, contact me to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation; we’ll take it from there.
If you are ready, click below for my online calendar to see my availability.
Choose your spot, input your info, and submit!
You are always in the captain’s seat – you determine how often you want to meet, and you are never under any obligation.