Hope and healing on the
journey to the life you desire.
Therapy for Women, Teen Women, Couples and Families
St. Augustine, FL
I’ve already tried everything.
What else could there possibly be?
At the end of every day, I don’t look back and see joy and peace. I see hard work and struggle.
How can tomorrow be different?
How can I find the energy to even try?
I feel like a rudderless ship.
I remember being happy… a long time ago.
But now, every day is the same, and there’s not much to look forward to.
I’m stuck going around and around. Something needs to change. But what? And how?
I crave the fulfillment that comes with having a sense of purpose.
It feels daunting… but there is a way through this.

No more settling.
In therapy, we will define what you’re hoping for, figure out what’s in the way, and plan how to get around the obstacles to keep moving in a positive direction.
Whether you need help letting go, a way to cope with the current storm, or to find your way back to the love and fulfillment you once had, I can help guide you there.
Enjoy your relationships…
Rediscover or learn the tools and skills you need to improve all your relationships, starting with YOU.
I can help you regain the energy, find the motivation, and even help you discover the hope for a better tomorrow.

Let’s team up and get you back on course.
Hi, I’m Aubrey.

I know it’s hard to ask for help.
You don’t want pity or judgment – you want real solutions and change that lasts.
Real change.
You’re in a difficult spot, but you don’t have to do this alone!
We will find ways through the pain and around the obstacles to clear the path toward the happiness and fulfillment that has been eluding you for far too long.
We’ll examine what works and get rid of what doesn’t. We’ll replace those things with new skills for the journey ahead.
Above all, we’ll find a way for you to give yourself grace along the way. After all, you’ve never been here before – you’re not the same person you were yesterday, and each day holds new challenges!
You’ve come this far.
Healing and happiness are possible!
All it takes is a phone call to decide if you want to keep going.
Call today for a free 20-minute phone consultation:
(904) 469-0060.
You’re always in charge, every step of the way, and you decide if we take the next step.
I’m here for you, and I’ll walk alongside you the rest of the way.

…lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope
we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast…
Hebrews 6:19